Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ

If you are preparing for Defence Exam, here you can practice Top 20 Problems on Numbers Mathematics MCQ which can help in your preparation.


Question 1- The sum of two numbers is 40 and their difference is 4. Then the ratio of the two numbers is

(A) 11:9

(B) 11:17

(C) 20:19

(D) 21:5


Question 2- The approximate standard deviation of 10 natural numbers is

(A) 2.57

(B) 2.67

(C) 2.77

(D) 2.87


Question 3- Sum of three consecutive integers is 45. Find the integers.

(A) 13, 14, 15

(B) 14, 15, 16

(C) 15, 16, 17

(D) 16, 17, 18


Question 4- Simplify 5√3 + 18√3 – 2√3

(A) 11√3

(B) 12√3

(C) 18√3

(D) 21√3


Question 5- The sum of a number and its reciprocal is 6(1/6). Find the numbers.

(A) 5, 1/4

(B) 6, -5

(C) 6, 1/6

(D) 5, -1/5

Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ

Question 6- Which of the following is not a prime number?

(A) 240

(B) 335

(C) 391

(D) 575


Question 7- Simplfy 2/3 of [5(1/6) – 4(3/8)]

(A) 1/3

(B) 19/36

(C) -5/17

(D) -7/9


Question 8- The sum of the digits of a two digit number is 15 and the difference between the digits is 3. What is the two digit number?

(A) 68

(B) 78

(C) 85

(D) 96


Question 9- The sum and product of two numbers are 12 and 35 respectively. What is the sum of their reciprocals?

(A) 11/35

(B) 12/35

(C) 13/35

(D) 14/35


Question 10-The least perfect square number which is divisible by 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 is

(A) 900

(B) 1200

(C) 2500

(D) 3600

Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ

Question 11- The product of two consecutive numbers is 4032. Find the numbers

(A) 61, 62

(B) 63, 64

(C) 71, 72

(D) 73, 74


Question 12- Find the value of (1000)9 / 1024

(A) 10

(B) 100

(C) 1,000

(D) 10,000


Question 13- The number divisible by 3 is

(A) 1486079821

(B) 2222222222

(C) 1212121221

(D) 3333133331


Question 14- The sum of three consecutive numbers is 87. Find the greatest number.

(A) 27

(B) 28

(C) 29

(D) 30


Question 15- The least number which when divided by 5, 6, 7 and 8 leaves a remainder 3, but when divided by 9 leaves no remainder. The number is

(A) 1678

(B) 1683

(C) 2523

(D) 3363

Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ

Question 16- 1 / {(5/7) of (63/10)} – (2/9) is

(A) 0

(B) 1

(C) 1/2

(D) 2


Question 17- A sum of Rs. 318 is divided among 100 boys and girls. Each boy gets Rs. 3.60, each girl gets Rs. 2.40. The number of girls are

(A) 10

(B) 35

(C) 58

(D) 61


Question 18- The sum of two numbers is 24 and their product is 143. Find the sum of the squares of those two numbers.

(A) 260

(B) 270

(C) 280

(D) 290


Question 19- Find the missing number: 3251 + 587 + 369 – ___ = 3007

(A) 1200

(B) 1250

(C) 1300

(D) 1350


Question 20- One-fifth of a number exceeds one-seventh of the same by 10. The number is

(A) 125

(B) 135

(C) 155

(D) 175

Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ, Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ, Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ, Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ


Top 20 Problems on Numbers – Mathematics MCQ Answer Key: –

Question No. Answer Question No. Answer
Question 1 A Question 11 B
Question 2 D Question 12 C
Question 3 B Question 13 C
Question 4 D Question 14 D
Question 5 C Question 15 B
Question 6 C Question 16 A
Question 7 B Question 17 B
Question 8 D Question 18 D
Question 9 B Question 19 A
Question 10 D Question 20 D

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