Work done and Time Mathematics MCQ – Defence Preparation

If you are preparing for Defence Exam, then here you can practice Best Work done and Time Mathematics MCQ which can help in your preparation.


Question 1. A and B can do a piece of work in 8 days, B and C can do the same work in 12 days. If A, B and C can complete the same work in 6 days, in how many days can A and C complete the same work?

a. 8                   b. 10                 c. 12                 d. 16


Question 2. Two taps can fill a tub in 5 minutes and 7 minutes respectively. A pipe can empty it in 3 minutes. If all the three are kept open simultaneously, when will the tub be full?

a. 60 min                       b. 85 min                       c. 90 min                       d. 105 min


Question 3. 1/48 of a work is completed in half a day by 5 persons. Then 1/40 of the work can be completed by 6 persons in how many days?

a. 1                   b. 2                   c. 3                   d. ½


Question 4. If 6 men and 8 boys can do a piece of work in 10 days while 26 men and 48 boys can do the same in 2 days, what is the time taken by 15 men and 20 boys in doing the same type of work?

a. 4 days           b. 5 days           c. 6 days           d. 7 days


Question 5. How many men will be required to plough 100 acres of land in 10 days if 10 men require 8 days to plough 20 acres of land?

a. 30                 b. 40                 c. 50                 d. 60


Work done and Time Mathematics MCQ

Question 6. A, B and C can do a piece of work individually in 8, 10 and 15 days respectively. A and B start working but A quits after working for 2 days. After this, C joins B till the completion of work. In how many days will the work be completed?

a. 53/9 days                  b. 34/7 days                  c. 85/13 days                d. 53/10 days


Question 7. 76 ladies complete a job in 33 days. Due to some reason some ladies did not join the work and therefore it was completed in 44 days. The number of ladies who did not report for the work is

a. 17                 b. 18                 c. 19                 d. 20


Question 8. 14 pumps of equal capacity can fill a tank in 6 days. If the tank has to be filled in 4 days, what is the number of extra pumps required?

a. 6                   b. 7                   c. 9                   d. 11


Question 9. A man fills a basket with eggs in such a way that the number of eggs added on each successive day is the same as the number already present in the basket. This way the basket gets completely filled in 24 days. After how many days the basket was 1/4th full?

a. 6                   b. 12                 c. 17                 d. 22


Question 10. B is thrice as fast as A. If A can finish a job in 12 days, how long will it take for both A and B to finish the same job together?

a. 3 days           b. 4 days           c. 4.5 days        d. 5 days


Work done and Time Mathematics MCQ

Question 11. X, Y and Z can finish a work in 12, 15 and 18 days respectively. In how many days will all the three finish the work?

a. 4(32/37)         b. 5       c. 5(1/37)          d. 5(5/37)


Question 12. B is thrice as fast as A. If A can finish a job in 12 days, how long will it take for both A and B to finish the same job together?

a. 3 days           b. 4 days           c. 4.5 days        d. 5 days


Question 13. A can dig a pit in 5 days and B can dig it in 3 days. How long will it take if both A and B work together?

a. 15/8 days      b. 4 days           c. 8/15 days      d. 2 days


Question 14. ‘A’ completes a work in 10 days, while ‘B’ and ‘C’ complete it in 12 and 15 days respectively. In how many days can ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ together complete the work?

a. 3                   b. 4                   c. 5                   d. 6


Question 15. Ram and Rahim together can complete a piece of work in 18 days. Rahim and Sham in 24 days and Ram and Sham in 36 days. In how many days will all of them together complete the work?

a. 16                 b. 18                 c. 10                 d. 12

Work done and Time Mathematics MCQ

Question 16. Working efficiencies of A and B for completing a piece of work are in the ratio 3:4. The number of days to be taken by them to complete the work will be in the ratio.

a. 4:3                b. 3:2                c. 3:4                d. 2:3


Question 17. Sita can complete 2/3 of a work in 4 days and Geeta can complete 3/5 of the work in 6 days. In how many days can both Sita and Geeta together complete the work?

a. 2                   b. 3                   c. 15/4                          d.23/8


Question 18. A tap can fill a tank in 40 minutes and a second tap can empty the filled tank in 60 minutes. By mistake without closing the second tap, the first tap was opened. In how many minutes will the empty tank be filled?

a. 72                 b. 105               c. 80                 d. 120


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