Top 20 question of G.K. for NDA

1. The filament of a light bulb is made up of:

a) Platinum

b) Tantalum

c) Tungsten

d) Antimony

2. Which of the following is false?

Sound waves are ____________ waves.

a) Pressure

b) Longitudinal

c) Electromagnetic

d) Mechanical

3. Which of the following coloured light has the lowest frequency?

a) Green

b) Blue

c) Red

d) Violet

4. The period of artificial geostationary satellite is:

a) 8 hours

b) 12 hours

c) 24 hours

d) 46 hours

5. The value of universal gravitational constant G is:

a) 9.8 m/s2

b) 6.673×10-11 N m2 kg-2

c) 6.371 x 106 m

d) 1.738 x 10 6 m

6. What is the unit of the magnitude of the weight?

a) Distance (meter)

b) Mass (grams)

c) Force (Newton)

d) None of the above

7. What is the value of Pi?

a) 3.14159

b) 3.14358

c) 3.14258

d) 3.14289

8. Which of the following is the best electricity conductor?

a) Copper

b) Aluminium

c) Iron

d) Silver

9. Small liquid drops are spherical in shape because

a) of adhesion

b) of gravitational force

c) of the atmospheric pressure from all the sides on the top

d) the liquid tends to have the minimum surface area are due to surface tension

10. The Chandershekhar Limit is related to which of the following?

a) Stars

b) Black holes

c) Both of these

d) None of these

11. A Light Year is a measure of

a) Light intensity

b) Time

c) Distance

d) None of the Above

12. In the Solar System, asteroids circle between these two planets.

a) Venus and Mars

b) Mars and Earth

c) Mars and Jupiter

d) Jupiter and Saturn

13. Identify the pair that is correctly matched?

a) Madam Curie: X – ray

b) Albert Einstein: Photoelectric effect

c) Linus Pauling: Electron

d) C V Raman: Stark effect

14. Refraction, Reflection, Dispersion and Diffraction are associated with

a) Light

b) Sound

c) Magnetism

d) None of the Above

15. The minimum possible temperature beyond which matter cannot be cooled is in degree Centigrades is:

a) 95.50

b) 100

c) 273.15

d) 473.50

16. Who among the following is credited for discovering the principles underlying electromagnetic induction?

a) Michael Faraday

b) Volta

c) Coulomb

d) Gauss

17. Which of the following statement is correct about Pi?

a) It is non-repeating decimal value

b) It is non terminating decimal value

c) It is repeating and terminating decimal value

d) It is non-repeating, non-terminating decimal value

18. It is on this principle, the quartz clock works.

a) Piezo-electric effect

b) Gauss effect

c) Relativistic effect

d) Mass defect

19. Who has calculated the circumference of the earth and considered the value of Pi = 22/7?

a) Archimedes

b) John Machin’s

c) Aryabhatta

d) None of the above

20. Cryogenic engines find applications in:

(a) sub-marine propulsion

(b) frost-free refrigerators

(c) rocket technology

(d) researches in superconductivity