AFCAT Geography Questions with Answers

01. The retreating monsoon withdraws itself from?

(a) The west coast to the east coast

(b) North-East India to the west coast

(c) The north to the south

(d) North-West India to Bengal and then to Kerala

Ans: (d)

02. How do dust storms in summer affect the temperature?

(a) Increase it

(b) Decrease it

(c) No effect

(d) Cannot say

Ans: (b)

03. At which place will you find maximum sunlight in December?

(a) Kanyakumari

(b) Pune

(c)  Kolkata

(d) Leh

Ans: (a)

04. There is heavy rainfall on the western coast of India but very little in the Deccan because?

(a) the Deccan plateau is situated in the rain shadow of the Western Ghats

(b) the region is bypassed by the south-west monsoons

(c) lack of high mountains in the Deccan

(d) of some unknown reason

Ans: (a)

05. Which of the following does not have influence over the climate in India?

(a) Nearness to the Equator

(b) Presence of Indian Ocean

(c) Monsoons

(d) Ocean currents

Ans: (d)

06. The place in India receiving the lowest rainfall is?

(a) Leh

(b) Jaisalmer

(c) Bikaner

(d) Jodhpur

Ans: (a)

07. The western disturbances which cause winter rain in India originate in?

(a) Pakistan

(b) the Bay of Bengal

(c) West Asia

(d) the Himalayas

Ans: (c)

08. How do the western disturbances affect the crops in north India?

(a) They cause heavy damage to the standing crops

(b) They bring in locusts which destroy the crops

(c)nThey are beneficial to the crops by causing winter rain

(d) They help in keeping the plants warm to some extent in winter

Ans: (c)

09. How do the Central Asian highlands affect the Indian climate?

(a) The low pressure in these areas intensifies the cold during the winter

(b) The atmospheric pressure in this region has an effect on the Indian atmosphere in summer

(c) Dry continental air is blowing towards India throughout

(d) The atmospheric pressure in this region has an impact on the onset of monsoon in India

Ans: (d)

10. The amount and Intensity of monsoon rainfall is determined by the frequency of?

(a) western disturbances

(b) dust storms

(c) cyclones

(d) tropical depressions

Ans: (d)

11. Rajasthan receives very little rain because

(a) it is too hot

(b) there is no water available and thus the winds remain dry

(c) the monsoons fail to reach this area

(d) the  winds do not come across any barrier to cause the necessary uplift to cool the winds

Ans: (d)

12. Which of the following indicates the types of soil erosion in decreasing order of damage caused In India?

(a) Ravine erosion .and gullies, alkalinity and salinity weeds, and water-logging

(b) Alkalinity and water-logging, ravine erosion, and weeds

(c) Water-logging, weeds, salinity, and ravine erosion

(d) All are equally damaging

Ans: (a)

13. Which of the weathering agents is almost peculiar to the Indian Himalayas?

(a) Wind

(b) Glaciers

(c) Snowfall

(d) Running water

Ans: (b)

14. Which of the following states has very little alluvial soil?

(a) Bihar

(b) Madhya Pradesh

(c) Tamil Nadu

(d) Punjab

Ans: (b)

15. The soils of the plains have not been derived?

(a) Himalayan Rocks

(b) from the Peninsular rocks

(c) only from the rocks existing locally

(d) from material brought by the rivers

Ans: (c)

16. Match the following types of soil and regions where they are found in India?

List-I                           List-II

  1. Alluvial Soils    1. Highland areas of the Plateau
  2. Black Soils        2. The periphery of the Plateau
  3. Red Soils           3. Deccan Lava Tracts
  4. Laterite Soils     4. River Basins and Coastal Plains Codes:

A              B            C             D

(a)          4              3              1              2

(b)          4              2              3              1

(c)           1              2              3              4

(d)          4              3              2              1

Ans: (d)

17. Which of the following soils is formed under typical monsoonal conditions?

(a) Black Soils

(b) Red Soils

(c) Laterite Soils

(d) None of these

Ans: (c)

 18. Which of the following is incorrect?

(a) Red soils are rich in iron

(b) Black soils are rich in phosphorus nitrogen and organic matter

(c) Alluvial soils are rich in potash but poor in phosphorus

(d) Red soils are suitable for the cultivation of pulses and coarse grains

Ans: (b)

19. Which is the chief characteristic of the soil of  the Indo- Gangetic plain?

(a) It is derived from Himalayan rocks

(b) It is rich in humus

(c) It is formed of peninsular rocks

(d) It is derived from local rocks

Ans: (a)

20. Tropical moist deciduous vegetation la to be found in Sahyadris, the northeast plateau of the Peninsula, and the Shiwaliks. Which of the following is not a tree species of this group?

(a) Teak

(b) Sal

(c) Sandalwood

(d) Deodar

Ans: (d)

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