BEST 20 CURRENT AFFAIRS (MCQ) for NDA exam preparation- NDA IMA

TOP 20 CURRENT AFFAIRS (MCQ) for NDA exam preparation

Q&A PROVIDED BY (DOON DEFENCE DREAMERS) BEST NDA COACHING IN DEHRADUN (IMA)(NDA)-challenging multiple-choice questions that can help you prepare for the NDA 2023 exam.  Practice solving different types of questions to improve your problem-solving skills and expand your knowledge base.


1-Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2020 for her efforts to combat climate change?
a) Greta Thunberg
b) Malala Yousafzai
c) Angela Merkel
d) Jacinda Ardern

Answer: a) Greta Thunberg

2-The Paris Agreement is an international treaty aimed at combating:
a) Climate change
b) Terrorism
c) Poverty
d) Nuclear proliferation

Answer: a) Climate change

3-Who is the current Secretary-General of the United Nations?
a) António Guterres
b) Ban Ki-moon
c) Kofi Annan
d) Javier Pérez de Cuéllar

Answer: a) António Guterres

4-The Quad is a strategic dialogue between the United States, Japan, Australia, and which other country?
a) India
b) China
c) Russia
d) South Korea

Answer: a) India

5-Which country recently launched the Tianzhou-3 cargo spacecraft to deliver supplies to its space station?
a) China
b) United States
c) Russia
d) India

Answer: a) China

6-The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is an ambitious infrastructure project launched by which country?
a) China
b) United States
c) Russia
d) India

Answer: a) China

7-Which country recently signed the historic Abraham Accords, normalizing relations with Israel?
a) United Arab Emirates (UAE)
b) Saudi Arabia
c) Qatar
d) Oman

Answer: a) United Arab Emirates (UAE)

8-Who is the current President of the United States?
a) Joe Biden
b) Donald Trump
c) Barack Obama
d) George W. Bush

Answer: a) Joe Biden

9-The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 outbreak as a global pandemic in which year?
a) 2020
b) 2019
c) 2018
d) 2017

Answer: a) 2020

10-Which country recently hosted the G7 Summit?
a) United Kingdom
b) France
c) Germany
d) Canada

Answer: a) United Kingdom

11-The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is headquartered in which city?
a) Washington, D.C.
b) New York City
c) London
d) Paris

Answer: a) Washington, D.C.

12-Who is the current Prime Minister of India?
a) Narendra Modi
b) Rahul Gandhi
c) Arvind Kejriwal
d) Manmohan Singh

Answer: a) Narendra Modi

13-The 2020 Summer Olympics were held in which city?
a) Tokyo
b) Rio de Janeiro
c) Beijing
d) Paris

Answer: a) Tokyo

14-The Rohingya crisis, involving mass displacement and persecution of Rohingya Muslims, primarily took place in which country?
a) Myanmar
b) Bangladesh
c) India
d) Sri Lanka

Answer: a) Myanmar

15-Which country recently launched the world’s first digital currency, the e-Yuan?
a) China
b) United States
c) Japan
d) Germany

Answer: a) China

16-Who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2020?
a) Louise Glück
b) Bob Dylan
c) Kazuo Ishiguro
d) Olga Tokarczuk

Answer: a) Louise Glück

17-The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located in which city?
a) The Hague
b) New York City
c) Geneva
d) Vienna

Answer: a) The Hague

18-Which country recently became the first in the world to make Bitcoin legal tender?
a) El Salvador
b) Argentina
c) Brazil
d) Venezuela

Answer: a) El Salvador

19-Who is the current President of Russia?
a) Vladimir Putin
b) Dmitry Medvedev
c) Mikhail Gorbachev
d) Boris Yeltsin

Answer: a) Vladimir Putin

20-Which country recently signed the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), the world’s largest free trade agreement?
a) China
b) United States
c) Japan
d) Australia

Answer: a) China

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These challenging current affairs MCQs will help you test your knowledge and prepare effectively for the NDA 2023 exam. Practice answering them to improve your understanding of current events and enhance your overall preparation.

I’m glad you found the answers helpful. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask at Good luck with your preparations for NDA 2023!

Studying General Studies (Multiple-Choice Questions) for the NDA (National Defence Academy) exam offers several benefits that contribute to your overall preparation and success. Here are the key advantages of studying General Studies MCQs:

Broad Knowledge Base: General Studies covers a wide range of subjects, including current affairs, history, geography, science, and more. By studying MCQs in General Studies, you develop a broad knowledge base that spans various disciplines. This helps you understand the world around you and equips you with diverse information that is crucial for a career in defence.

Comprehensive Coverage: MCQs in General Studies are designed to cover essential topics and concepts relevant to the NDA exam. By studying these MCQs, you ensure comprehensive coverage of the syllabus, leaving no gaps in your preparation. This helps you build a strong foundation in various subjects and enhances your overall understanding.

Effective Learning and Retention: MCQs are an effective learning tool as they require active recall and engagement. By practicing General Studies MCQs, you engage in active learning, which aids in better comprehension and retention of information. The process of answering multiple-choice questions reinforces your understanding of key concepts and facts.

Test-Taking Skills: The NDA exam includes multiple-choice questions, and studying General Studies MCQs helps you develop and improve your test-taking skills. You become familiar with the format, learn to manage time efficiently, and develop strategies to approach different types of questions. These skills are valuable for performing well in the exam and maximizing your score. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: General Studies MCQs often require you to analyse information, evaluate options, and make reasoned judgments. By practicing these MCQs, you sharpen your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. You learn to think logically, apply knowledge to real-world scenarios, and make informed decisions—an essential skill set for defence professionals.

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