NDA Exam English most important Fill in the blank Question

NDA Exam English most important Fill in the blank Question

Question: 1

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. A fine collection of ___.
B. ___ does not need to be innovative to be good.
C. He said that architecture is the ___ of wasting space beautifully.
D. It is quite an ___.

(A) art

(B) choice

(C) hobby

(D) painting

Ans: A


Question: 2

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. Computers are ____ to modern infrastructure.
B. This is a ___ law of universe.
C. The ___ revolution in human values that has occurred in the recent times.
D. The new Harry Potter book has underwent ___ changes.

(A) major

(B) fundamental

(C) important

(D) tremendous

Ans: B


Question: 3

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. The Bill ___ reduction in electoral expenses.
B. The plan ___ ten per cent growth in production.
C. The budget for the current year ___ more or less double turn-over than that of last year.
D. The company ___ a good production due to better prospects of sugarcane production.

(A) seeks

(B) rated

(C) increased

(D) envisages

Ans: B


Question: 4

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. They awaited ___ of the outcome.
B. We watch the 9 o’ clock __ every night.
C. It was ___to me.
D. The ___of my accident was greatly exaggerated.

(A) news

(B) fundamental

(C) told

(D) sought

Ans: A


Question: 5

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. Can you __ me with a rental car.
B. This hotel can ___250 guests.
C. The scientists had to ___the new result with the existing theories.
D. We are ready to ___ more students only for one more week.

(A) lend

(B) accept

(C) entertain

(D) accommodate

Ans: D


Question: 6

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. It differs in that ___.
B. She lost all ___for him.
C. He went to the law school out of ___ for his father’s wishes.
D. I ___ his judgement.

(A) account

(B) concern

(C) respect

(D) reward

Ans: C


Question: 7

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. The chief Minister is the leader of the party that commands a ___ in the House.
B. Every major problem in the organization should be decided on the ___ opinion of all the senior management staff.
C. As neither party has won the ___ a coalition government is the only alternative.
D. A ___ of the employees are in favour of this move.

(A) respect

(B) majority

(C) censensus

(D) support

Ans: B


Question: 8

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. The book still has its ___ binding.
B. The government restored the building to its ___ conditions.
C. The play is ____; not an adaptation.
D. The translation misses much of the subtlety of the ___ French.

(A) actual

(B) normal

(C) anglo

(D) original

Ans: D


Question: 9

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
The constitution (Sixty-first Amendment) Act, 1989 has
A. ___ the voting age from 21 years to 18 years for the Lok Sabha and the Legislative Assembly elections.
B. In the present cola-war, the consumer has gained on account of the ___ rates of aerated water.
C. On account of our power –cut during the summer months this year, our average daily production of paper has ___ by almost ten percent.
D. The mill has ____ the overhead expenses.

(A) forced

(B) reduced

(C) induced

(D) compelled

Ans: B


Question: 10

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. ___ me the box from the other room.
B. ___ water to the boiling point.
C. Can I ___ my cousin to the dinner?
D. This will ___ an end to the whole episode.

(A) pick

(B) achieve

(C) give

(D) bring

Ans: D


Question: 11

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. ___ the elevator door.
B. The story will ___ you.
C. ____ the ball before it lands on the ground.
D. She was about to ____ the child’s hand and run of the room.

(A) hold

(B) load

(C) bind

(D) take

Ans: A


Question: 12

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. To ___ proclamation of emergency by the president, the phrase ‘armed rebellion’, in the Article 39 of the Constitution, has been replaced by ‘internal disturbances’.
B. This secondary roller is to ___ movement of wet paper on the dryer rollers.
C. It will ___ quick settlement of the problem if our Chairman also participates in the first meeting.
D. This could ___ production activities to our satisfaction.

(A) good

(B) enhance

(C) increase

(D) facilitate

Ans: D


Question: 13

In each of the following sentences there is a blank space, followed by four choices of words marked (a), (b), (c) and (d).
A. He reached a ___ sunny room.
B. A poet could not but be ____, in such a jocund company.
C. The city offers a ___ and exciting night life.
D. This dress is a bit too ___ for her years.

(A) open

(B) classy

(C) gay

(D) lively

Ans: C


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