Top 20 Questions and Answers on Indian Polity and Governance

We are shareing you the top 20  Questions and Answers on Indian Polity and Governance.


1.Which of the following states is not included in the sixth schedule of Indian Constitution?

[A] Meghalaya

[B] Tripura

[C] Mizoram

[D] Manipur

Answer D

2.Which among the following language is NOT there in the 8th Schedule of Constitution of India?

[A] Dogri

[B] Rajasthani

[C] Sindhi

[D] Manipuri

Answer B

3.In which year, Daman & Diu were separated from Goa?

[A] 1968

[B] 1973

[C] 1985

[D] 1987

Answer C

4.Which among the following acts, incorporated 11th Fundamental duty in Indian Constitution?

[A] 42nd Amendment Act

[B] 44th Amendment Act

[C] 86th Amendment Act

[D] 100th Amendment Act

Answer C

5.The Right to Free & Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009 that was enacted in 2010 provides a justiciable legal framework for providing free and compulsory education to children in the age group of _?

[A] 0-6 years

[B] 0-14 years

[C] 6-14 years

[D] 6-18 years

Answer C

6.Which of the following is incorrect about Indian Independence Act?

[A] It provided for the partition of India

[B] It abolished the office of Viceroy

[C] Freedom to princely states to join the Dominion of India or the Dominion of Pakistan or to remain

[D] British monarch retained his right to veto bills for certain period

Answer D

7.The demand for Constituent Assembly was accepted in which proposal of the British government?

[A] Gandhi-Irwin Pact

[B] August Offer

[C] Cripps Mission

[D] Cabinet Mission

Answer B

8.The concept of Judicial Review in India is adopted from the Constitution of which country?


[B] Germany


[D] Australia

Answer A

9.Which Article of Indian Constitution contains the definition of Money bills?

[A] Article 110

[B] Article 111

[C] Article 112

[D] Article 123

Answer A

10.Preamble of the Indian Constitution based on which of the following previous documents / Laws?

[A] Nehru Report

[B] Objectives Resolution

[C] Government of India Act, 1935

[D] Indian Independence Act, 1947

Answer B

11.The total number of ministers, including the Prime Minister, in the Council of Ministers shall not exceed?

[A] 5%

[B] 10%

[C] 15%

[D] 20%

Answer C

12.Who can advise the president to dissolve the Lok Sabha on the ground that the House does not represent the views of the electorate faithfully?

[A] The President

[B] The Prime Minister

[C] Council of Ministers

[D] Rajya Sabha

Answer C

13.Which Constitutional Amendment increased the retirement age of high court judges from 60 to 62 years?

[A] 15th

[B] 16th

[C] 17th

[D] 18th

Answer A

14.Which constitutional amendment substituted “Odia” for “Oriya”?

[A] 91st

[B] 93rd

[C] 96th

[D] 99th

Answer C

15.Which part of the Constitution deals with the organisation, composition, duration,  officers, procedures, privileges, powers and so on of the Parliament?

[A] Part IV

[B] Part V

[C] Part VI

[D] Part VII

Answer B

16.How many parliaments are there in the Inter Parliamentary Union at present?

[A] 152

[B] 153

[C] 154

[D] 155

Answer B

17.Who becomes empowered to legislate with respect to goods and services tax or matters in the State List, while a proclamation of national emergency is in operation?

[A] The President

[B] The Prime Minister

[C] The Cabinet

[D] The Parliament

Answer D

18.In which year was the Sarkaria Commission appointed?

[A] 1983

[B] 1984

[C] 1984

[D] 1986

Answer A

19.Which of the following statements are correct with respect to President’s Rule?

  1. State council of ministers headed by the chief minister is not dismissed
  2. President either suspends or dissolves the state legislative assembly

Select the correct statement from the codes given below:

[A] Only 1

[B] Only 2

[C] Both 1 & 2

[D] Neither 1 & 2

Answer B

20.What are the reasons given for the practice of judicial activism?

[A] Failure of Legislature and Executive to discharge their function

[B] Citizens look up to the judiciary for the protection of their rights

[C] Legislative Vacuum

[D] All of the above

Answer D

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