Logical Reasoning Questions & Answer For NDA Exams


Logical Reasoning Questions & Answer For NDA Exams

Ques 1. Check this series: 12, 11, 13, 12, 14, 13, … What number should come straightaway?

A. 10
B. 16
C. 13
D. 15
Answer: Option D.

Ques 2. Check out this series: 36, 34, 30, 28, 24, … What number should come straightaway?

A. 22
B. 26
C. 23
D. 20

Answer: Option A.

Ques 3. Look at this series: 7, 10, 8, 11, 9, 12, … What number should come straightaway?

A. 7
B. 12
C. 10
D. 13

Answer: Option C.

Ques 4. Look at this series: 2, 1, (1/2), (1/4), … What number should come straightaway?

A. (1/3)
B. (1/8)
C. (2/8)
D. (1/16)

Answer: Option B.

Ques 5. Lookout this series: 80, 10, 70, 15, 60, … What number should come next?

A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. 50

Answer: Option A.

Logical Reasoning Questions with  Answer For Competitive Exams

Ques6. Which word doesn’t have a place with the others?

A. record
B. glossary
C. part
D. book

Answer: D. Book.

Ques 7. Which word is the odd?

A. inconsequential
B. insignificant
C. significant
D. unimportant

Answer: C. Significant.

Ques 8. Which word doesn’t have a place with the others?

A. wing
B. balance
D. rudder

Answer: C. beak.

Ques9. Which word is the odd?
B. affection
C. preferring
D. connection

Answer: A. hate.

Ques10. Select the odd man?

A. hate
B. fair
C. impartial
D. biased

Answer: D.biased.

Logical Reasoning Questions with  Answer For Competitive Exams

Ques 11. The ‘A’ state government has chalked out an arrangement for the immature ‘B’ area where 66% of the assets will be put in the possession of a board of neighbourhood agents.

Courses of action:
Ist. The ‘A’ state government ought to choose rules and standards for the working of the board of trustees.
IInd. Other state governments might follow comparative arrangements whenever coordinated by the Central government.

A. If by some stroke of good luck I follows
B. If by some stroke of good luck II follows
C. If possibly I or II follows
D. In the event that neither I nor II follows
E. Assuming both I and II follow

Answer: A

Ques 12. The vehicle vendor observed that there was a gigantic reaction for the new XYZ’s vehicle booking with long lines of individuals griping about the span of business hours and courses of action.


Ist. Individuals should make their plan of lunch and snacks while going for vehicle XYZ’s reserving and be prepared to spend a few hours.
IInd. Plan ought to be made for additional booking work areas and increment business hours to serve more individuals quicker than expected.

A. If by some stroke of good luck I follow
B. If by some stroke of good luck II follows
C. If possibly I or II follows
D. On the off chance that neither I nor II follows
E. Assuming both I and II follow

Answer: B

Ques 13. The ‘M’ state government has chosen henceforth forward to grant the street development contracts through open tenders as it were. Game-plans:

Ist. The ‘M’ state can not finish the work quickly as it should go through delicate and different techniques.
IInd. Consequently forward the nature of streets developed might be much better.

A. If only I follows
B. If only II follows
C. If either I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. If both I and II follow

Answer: D

Ques 14. 10 mentors of a traveller train have wrecked and have hindered the rail line track from the two finishes. Approaches:

Ist. The rail route specialists ought to quickly send men and gear and clear the spot
IInd. Every one of the trains running in the two headings ought to be redirected quickly through different courses.

A. If by some stroke of good luck I follow
B. If by some stroke of good luck II follows
C. On the off chance that possibly I or II follows
D. On the off chance that neither I nor II follows
E. Assuming both I and II follow

Answer: E

Ques 15. Ready locals grabbed a gathering of scoundrels outfitted with deadly weapons. Approaches:

Ist. The locals should be given complex weapons.
IInd. The townspeople ought to be compensated for their boldness and solidarity.

A. If by some stroke of good luck I follow
B. If by some stroke of good luck II follows
C. In the event that possibly I or II follows
D. If neither I nor II follows
E. Assuming both I and II follow

Answer: B

Logical Reasoning Questions with  Answer For Competitive Exams

Ques 16.Statement: Anger is energy, in a more proactive way and how to channelize it is in itself a skill.

Assumptions: Ist. Anger needs to be channelized.
IInd. Only skilful people can channel anger to energy.

A) If only assumption I is implicit.
B) If only assumption II is implicit.
C) if either I or II is implicit.
D) if neither I or II is implicit.
E) if both I and II are implicit.

Answer: Only II is implicit.

Ques 17. Explanation: Medicine ‘P’ is a medication that is causing swells in the clinical field.

Presumptions: Ist. No other medication is causing swells in the clinical field.
IInd. Medication ‘P’ is an extraordinary medication.

A) If just suspicion I is understood.
B) If just suspicion II is understood.
C) if possibly I or II is understood.
D) assuming that neither I or II is certain.
E) assuming that both I and II are understood.

Answer: D) assuming neither I or II is implied.



Logical Reasoning Questions with  Answer For Competitive Exams

Follow this information:

Mazzini, an Italian speciality café stays open each Monday to Saturday however is shut on all Sundays. On Mondays, just lunch is served, just as on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, just supper is served. The café’s floors are cleaned and plants are watered uniquely on days that Quantum is just getting started, concurring the accompanying timetable:
✓Plants are watered two days every week, except never on continuous days and never around the same time that floors are cleaned.
✓Floors are cleaned on Monday and two different days every week, except never on sequential days and never around the same time that plants are watered.


Ques 18. As per a timetable, the café’s floors are cleaned on by the same token…


A. Tuesday or Wednesday
B. Tuesday or Thursday
C. Wednesday or Thursday
D. Thursday or Friday
E. Thursday or Saturday

Answer: C

Ques 19. Assuming that supper is served around the same time as plants are watered, which of coming up next is right?

A. Plants are watered on Tuesday.
B. Floors are cleaned on Thursday.
C. Plants are watered on Wednesday.
D. Floors are cleaned on Wednesday.
E. Plants are watered on Saturday.

Answer: B

Ques 20. Assume that floors are polished on consecutive days but all other scheduling policies are untampered. For how many of the days can it be determined whether plants are watered and floors are polished?

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
E. six

Answer: E




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Logical Reasoning Questions with  Answer For Competitive Exams, Logical Reasoning Questions with  Answer For Competitive Exams

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