Defence aspirants here can practice best NDA maths question paper which can help him to improve in preparation. Answer Key also attached.


Question 1) The number of constant functions from a set containing m elements to a set containing n elements is

  1. mn
  2. m
  3. n
  4. m+n

Question 2) The function f:[0,2π]➝[-1,1] defined by f(x)=sin x is

  1. one-to-one
  2. on to
  3. bijection
  4. cannot be defined

Question 3) Let X={1,2,3,4}, Y={a,b,c,d} and f={f(1,a),(4,b),(2,c),(3,d),(2,d)}. Then f is

  1. an one-to-one function
  2. an onto function
  3. a function which is not one-to-one
  4. not a function

Question 4) Let f:R➝R be defined by f(x)=1-|x|. Then the range of f is

  1. R
  2. (1,∞)
  3. (-1,∞)
  4. (-∞,1]

Question 5) If |x+2| ≤ 9, then x belongs to

  1. (−∞,−7)
  2. [-11, 7]
  3. (−∞,−7)∪(11,∞)
  4. (-11, 7)
NDA Maths Question Paper

Question 6) The solution 5x-1<24 and 5x+1 > -24 is

  1. (4,5)
  2. (-5,-4)
  3. (-5,5)
  4. (-5,4)

Question 7) The value of loga b logb c logc a is

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 3
  4. 4

Question 8) cos10+cos20+cos30+: : :+cos1790=

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. -1
  4. 89

Question 9) Which of the following is not true?

  1. sinፀ=-3/4​​​​​​​
  2. cosፀ=-1
  3. tanፀ=25
  4. secፀ=1/4

Question 10) Let fk(x)=1/k[sinkx+coskx] where x∈R and k≥1. Then f4(x)-f6(x)=

  1. 1/4
  2. 1/12
  3. 1/6
  4. 1/3
NDA Maths Question Paper

Question 11) The sum of the digits at the 10th place of all numbers formed with the help of 2, 4, 5, 7 taken all at a time is

  1. 432
  2. 108
  3. 36
  4. 18

Question 12) The number of ways in which the following prize be given to a class of 30 boys first and second in mathematics, first and second in physics, first in chemistry and first in English is

  1. 304× 292
  2. 303× 293
  3. 302× 294
  4. 30×295

Question 13) The product of r consecutive positive integers is divisible by

  1. r!
  2. (r-1)!
  3. (r+1)!
  4. rr

Question 14) There are 10 points in a plane and 4 of them are collinear. The number of straight lines joining any two points is

  1. 45
  2. 40
  3. 39
  4. 38

Question 15) In 3 fingers, the number of ways four rings can be worn is ways.

  1. 43-1
  2. 34
  3. 68
  4. 64
NDA Maths Question Paper

Question 16) If a, 8, b are in AP, a, 4, b are in GP, and if a, x, b are in HP then x is

  1. 2
  2. 1
  3. 4
  4. 16

Question 17) The HM of two positive numbers whose AM and GM are 16,8 respectively is

  1. 10
  2. 6
  3. 5
  4. 4

Question 18) The remainder when 3815 is divided by 13 is

  1. 12
  2. 1
  3. 11
  4. 5

Question 19) If Sn denotes the sum of n terms of an AP whose common difference is d, the value of Sn-2Sn-1+Sn-2 is

  1. 0
  2. 2d
  3. 4d
  4. d2

Question 20) The equation of the locus of the point whose distance from y-axis is half the distance from origin is

  1. x2+3y=0
  2. x2-3y2=0
  3. 3x2+y2=0
  4. 3x2-y2=0
NDA Maths Question Paper

Stop Wasting Time And Start Solving NDA Maths Question Paper – Answer Key: –

Question No. Answer Question No. Answer
Question 1 3 Question 11 2
Question 2 2 Question 12 1
Question 3


Question 13 1
Question 4 4 Question 14 2
Question 5 2 Question 15 2
Question 6 3 Question 16 1
Question 7 2 Question 17 4
Question 8 1 Question 18 2
Question 9 4 Question 19 1
Question 10 2 Question 20 4

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