01. Pi consists of how many digits?

a) 9 digits

b) 10 digits

c) 12 digits

d) Infinite

02. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and other labelled as Reason (R)

Assertion (A): A diamond sparkles more than a glass imitation cut to the same shape.

Reason (R): The refractive index of diamond is less than that of glass.

In context of the above two statements, which one of the following is correct ?

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true and R is not a correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true

03. An air bubble in water will act like a:
(a) convex mirror
(b) convex lens
(c) concave mirror
(d) cancave lens


04. When a mirror is rotated by an angle 0, the reflected ray will rotate by:
(a) 0°
(b) 0/2
(c) 0
(d) 20


05. Which of the following statement is true about ionic compounds?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water.
Ionic compounds are not soluble in water.
Ionic compounds are crystalline solids.
Correct options are:

a) Both 1 and 3

b) Both 1 and 2

c) Both 2 and 3

d) All the three

06. The solution of one of the following compounds will conduct electricity. This compound is:

a) CCl4

b) HCl

c) CaCl2

d) CH3Cl


07. What is an ionic bond?

a) Ionic bond is formed by sharing of electrons between two atoms.

b) It is a bond formed by the transfer of electrons from one atom to another.

c) Both A and B are correct

d) None of the above


08. What is C12H12O11 also known as:

a) Sand

b) Sugar

c) Salt

d) Clay

09. The only non-metal which is liquid at room temperature is:

a) Mercury

b) Bromine

c) Chlorine

d) Gallium

10. Choose the one which is different or odd from the following.

a) Aluminum

b) Iron

c) Copper

d) Brass


11. Name the ions present in Sodium Oxide compound?

a) Sodium ions

b) Oxide ions

c) Both A and B

d) Neither A nor B


12. Which of the following are electrovalent compounds?

a) Copper sulphate

b) Calcium nitrate

c) Magnesium oxide

d) All of the above


12. What is the electronic configuration of calcium ion (Ca2+):

a) 2,8

b) 2,8,2

c) 2,8,4

d) 2,8,8


13. Name the salt when on dissolving in water give an acidic solution?

a) Potassium Chloride

b) Ammonium Chloride

c) Sodium Carbonate

d) Sodium Acetate


14. Bleaching powder is formed by treating chlorine with…….

a) Calcium Hydroxide

b) Potassium Hydrogen carbonate

c) Magnesium Hydroxide

d) None of the above


15. Name the salt whose aqueous solution will turn blue litmus to red?

a) Sodium Acetate

b) Potassium Sulphate

c) Potassium Carbonate

d) Ammonium Sulphate


16.Name an acid which contains both oxygen and hydrogen?

a) Oxy acid

b) Hydra acid

c) Dilute acid

d) Concentrated acid


17. What is the chemical name of Baking Soda?

a) Potassium Carbonate

b) Potassium Hydrogen Carbonate

c) Sodium Hydrogen Carbonate

d) Sodium Carbonate


18. What is battery acid?

a) It is sulphuric acid diluted with water.

b) It is carboxylic acid mixed with water.

c) It is concentrated hydrochloric acid.

d) It is concentrated sulphuric acid.


19. In Human beings the process of digestion of food begins in:

a) Stomach

b) Food Pipe

c) Mouth

d) Small Intestine


20. Which of the following organism have parasitic mode of nutrition?

a) Penicillium

b) Plasmodium

c) Paramecium

d) Parrot

NDA 2 2023 Notification: Eligibility, Exam Date, Application Process

NDA 2 2023 Notification UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) conducts the NDA Exam twice a year to select qualified students for admission to the exclusive National Defence Academy and Naval Academy. On the 17th of May 2023, NDA Notification 2023 was published on its official website for the course beginning in 2024. The deadline for applying for an NDA notification is June 6, 2023. The total number of openings announced is 395. In this

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