Top 15 General English Questions and Answers for CDS- Exams – 1

Top 15 General English Questions and Answers for CDS- Exams – 1

Question: 1

A sleeping room for a number of people

(A) Dump

(B) Dormitory

(C) Fireside

(D) Office

Ans: B


Question: 2

A small house with all rooms on one floor

(A) Cottage

(B) Bungalow

(C) Castle

(D) Flat

Ans: B


Question: 3

Teetotaler means

(A) One who abstains from taking malice

(B) One who abstains from taking wine

(C) One who abstains from meat

(D) One who abstains from theft

Ans: B

One who abstains from taking wine

Question: 4

Policemen riding on motorcycles as guards of VIP

(A) Attendants

(B) Commandos

(C) Servants

(D) Outriders

Ans: D


Question: 5

One who eats everything

(A) Omnipotent

(B) Omnivorous

(C) Carnivorous

(D) Gourmet

Ans: B

Question: 6

People working in the same department or office

(A) Companions

(B) Mates

(C) Colleagues

(D) Fellows

Ans: C


Question: 7

A government that is carried on through officers

(A) Dictatorship

(B) Class-one

(C) Officiousness

(D) Bureaucracy

Ans: D


Question: 8

A statement that is absolutely clear

(A) Unequivocal

(B) Ambiguous

(C) Confused

(D) Clean

Ans: A


Question: 9

Medicine used to calm or pacify

(A) Antidepressant

(B) Fusion

(C) Hypnotic

(D) Tranquillizer

Ans: D


Question: 10

A speech without any previous preparation

(A) Premeditated

(B) Deliberately

(C) Extempore

(D) Rehearsed

Ans: C


Question: 11

A funny imitation of a poem

(A) Parody

(B) Caricature

(C) Dialogue

(D) Sonnet

Ans: A


Question: 12

Cessation of arms before a formal treaty is signed during war

(A) Armistice

(B) Accord

(C) Truce

(D) Retreat

Ans: A


Question: 13

A person who does not believe in the existence of God

(A) Atheist

(B) Heretic

(C) Fanatic

(D) Theist

Ans: A


Question: 14

A man who operates on sick people

(A) Physiotherapist

(B) Physician

(C) Operator

(D) Surgeon

Ans: D



One who has a compulsive desire to steal

(A) Kleptomaniac

(B) Plagiarist

(C) Poacher

(D) Pilferer

Ans: A


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